Sunday, March 21, 2010

The First Shall Be Last (Great Beginnings)

There is no justification for this. I'm just frustrated by cries that my emails are long, as
though the cookie cutters rule. When I was hitchhiking in 1969-70 (to Santa Fe--how
romantic! not!), I sent postcards to a beautiful couple back in Knoxville. I filled those cards to overflowing. I transformed the journey I was on--the impurest escapism--into Huckleberry Finn sticks out his thumb on I-40 West. Some dark tunnel of time later, I yearn to post cards to that beautiful couple again, Gary & Pat. Gary is dead. Pat is Greta Garbo in her fog & her pearls. I'm flying a kite named Photography. So many tall trees & devilish winds. I have neither knowledge nor wisdom. I've found neither my clique or niche or voice. I'm depressed, I'm not making any money, I'm holed up in The Alamo & Santa Ana has decided not to attack after all--instead of his military band playing "El Deguello (signifying no quarter given to the enemy), he's playing "See you later, alligator, After 'while, crocodile." The Alamo Motel. Cigaret butts & rusted sign & funereal pool.

These words worm out of my being. Could it be a song? Health care legislation--yes. War--get it over with & bring the troops home. Taxes--tax me more: help people more.
Thoughtful, caring, decent Republicans--thoughtful, caring, decent hyenas? Religion--The Sermon On The Mount. Sexual Identity--Love Thy Neighbor & Date or Marry Him or
Her If Y'all Wanna. Children--Let Them Be. Animals--Don't Eat Them. Global Warming--
Reap the Whirlwind. Art--What Is It? Movies--"The Searchers," "Ikiru," "Topper." Television--Bill Maher on HBO, Bill Moyers on PBS, Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert, The Weather Channel, Masterpiece Theater. Books--Scandinavian Crime Fiction, Thomas Bernhard novels, Tristram Shandy, "The Stranger," "The Great Gatsby," "Pale Fire."
Drink--Whiskey. Food--Pizza. Place--Market Square Mall. Music--Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead, Bach, Mozart, Miles Davis, Bob Wills, Flatt & Scruggs.

How easy to start a blog is it? Criminally easy. I just did it.